A Review of the Formal Commitment of Messr. Johnson and (the former) Ms. Gordon

June 5th, 2011 Comments Off on A Review of the Formal Commitment of Messr. Johnson and (the former) Ms. Gordon

On the evening of June 4, 2011, the author, his fair wife, and 173 collegial and jovial individuals, attended the conclusion of Messr. Adam Johnson’s long, and fruitful, courtship of (the former) Ms. Rachael Gordon. To suggest that the event neatly encapsulated the personalities of the participants, and foretold a lifetime of joy for the couple (as most observers noted), is to understate the matter by several degrees.

If one had not attended the event, one likely would have noted how the warmth of Spring finally returned on a fair breeze, and how the sun shone over the water, which in turn reflected the vision back to heaven. However, to those in attendance, the day God provided was easily obscured by the glory of both the ceremony, and the love of the central actors. For just as the beauty of the sun and water combined to reflect a shared light to the world, so too did the union of bride and groom reflect their love before the assembly.

As there were many highlights to the event, here then, is a history of events as interpreted though the writer’s own eyes. Fair warning would require a greater disclaimer of the subjectivity of these observations, but none shall be given, and I shall leave any errors or omissions to other historians. As an aside, if the reader find the generous use the terms “beauty” or “love” to be objectionable, it would be wise to skip the remaining discussion, for such was the nature of this proceeding.

Upon arrival, the author took note of the vigor and vitality of the guests, vis a vis the passers-by who had busied themselves with grain based beverages, two-wheeled conveyances, and circular throwing devices. Assuming a fair sample of the population was present at the event, the author could only conclude that it was the nature of the event itself that quickened the step, and lightened the faces, of those in attendance. Indeed, unlike most such events, not a single face betrayed the impression that he or she deemed impending nuptials to be objectionable. It was, in sum, a merry, and diverse troupe.

Upon being ushered to a seat in the rear left corner, the author was afforded the leisure to reflect on the musical arrangements provided by stringed instruments. The appropriate selection of offerings, that seemed intermittently solemn and whimsical, clearly set the tone for, and beautifully framed, the event.

As the reader likely knows by now, the ceremony was presided over by the capable, and personable, Dr. Gustafson. Resplendent in the coat and turtle neck common to members of his profession, he began the proceeding by propitiously guiding the observers through his expectations for their conduct. Lest the reader mistake this approach in any way, it should be said that, like the king of the sun, moon and stars, Dr. Gustafson asked very little of the audience that they would not otherwise have done of their own accord and instinct. He further explained, unnecessarily but understandably, that this was his first time presiding over a wedding. It was unnecessary, because he carried out his duties with mastery and passion. It was understandable, because he seemed to understand intuitively that this day was not about him, but about the two young people he was honoring, and he clearly sought only to deflect attention from his performance.

The ceremony began with the dapper Messr. Johnson, well attired in black full tail tuxedo, white vest and tie, a deliberate hair curl on his forehead (which the writer deemed to be an affectation), and the look of a man who recognized that his every hope for the future rested entirely in the hands of another who was, in every way, his better. The reader will have to accept that such description of the groom’s affect was entirely subjective, and it could be alternatively explained by something a simple as intestinal distress, or poorly fitted dress shoes.

The groom’s affect changed dramatically when his bride began her procession and all the light of Heaven and Earth seemed to shine from within her. There were, as the reader would surmise, several audible sighs of approval (and perhaps envy) when she appeared. One woman (whose description I shall omit) asked her companion how a woman of such refined grace, beauty, and dignity would find herself marrying a man who, while of fine breeding, had chosen the profession of barrister. Her friend (who shall also go without description) replied by physically striking her in the thigh, chastising her for her poor manners, and assuring her that Messr. Johnson was only acting as a lawyer until a more suitable vocation presented itself.

Before the reader judges the disparaging comments made by the young woman against Messr. Johnson too harshly, it is worth noting, that by the time the bride had reached the altar, Messr. Johnson appeared to be having the same conversation in his own mind. But again, there could be alternate explanations, and the author raises the matter, not to cast aspersions on the witness, but merely to describe how an otherwise remarkable young groom was outshone by his bride on this particular day.

Dr. Gustafson, as was his formal duty, began by introducing the parties, their parents and other family members. Instinctively, Dr. Gustafson seemed to understand that several gentlemen in the audience were unclear as to how the groom was able to successfully woo a woman like the former Ms. Gordon. He sought to put these concerns to rest by explaining that, in the early stages of their relationship, Messr. Johnson had relied upon deceit and trickery to turn the eye of his bride. He did so by having convinced the former Ms. Gordon that he was an Olympic diver.

The reader will recognize that, while this particular courtship device is typically used by knaves toward ill-purpose, Messr. Johnson intended this device only towards noble purpose. Further, due credit must be given to the fact that, at some point, Messr. Johnson made sufficient confession to relieve his bride of the false understanding. Lastly, as it is likely that subterfuge was the only way the bride (or indeed any other woman of distinction) would have ever opened her heart to a man of the legal caste, if one is ever to believe that the ends may justify the means, this would be the circumstance,

The bride and groom’s most favored siblings (the writer is not aware if there were other siblings available for selection, so the designation of most favorable status may be inapplicable if there were no other siblings from which to choose) began with well selected and well delivered readings. These readings had been hand chosen by the couple, the audience was told, after long and careful deliberation. I will not go into detail of the selections other than to say that they were apt for the moment, and served great purpose in sharing the couple’s vision and understanding of their union.

At the close of the readings, the bride and groom read their own vows. While in modern times vows are often overlooked at these events, the vows in this case were clearly designed to be the focal point for both the participants and the ceremony. The bride and groom clearly viewed their vows to the other as the seed of their commitment, and took great care to describe how each would labor to ensure its growth.

The bride’s vows were read gracefully from her journal. The words were honest, sincere, vulnerable, and even caused the author’s wife to cry, though she had not met either party prior to that moment. In her vows, the former Ms. Gordon necessarily acknowledged the earlier deceit by Messr. Johnson, but clearly and patiently explained how love allowed her to overcome the lies, and even the disreputable vocation, of her groom. It seemed to the author, that her vows were written by Austen, and sung to us as if by angels.

The groom’s words were equally honest, sincere, vulnerable and human, though a portion may have seemed inscrutable to anyone unfamiliar with 19th century literature. The vows were well crafted for both style and form (with excellent use of IRAC, which pleased the author greatly), and did an admirable job of conveying his humility and appreciation for the commitment she had made to him. Like most men of letters, he clearly found it easier to write his feelings than speak them, so while his vows could have been crafted by Flaubert, they seemed to be narrated by Kevin Costner. To be fair, the author’s wife found Messr. Johnson’s delivery to be endearing, and suggestion was made that the author suppress his instinct to critique his former student’s verbal presentations.

At its conclusion, the couple did embrace warmly and passionately, as one would expect. Dr. Gustafson reminded us that there was one more Johnson in Minnesota, and thus the world had its first formal introduction of Mr. and Mrs. Adam and Rachael Johnson. Finally, the newly formed tenants by the entirety held hands as they floated out of the room clearly relieved, clearly happy, and clearly in love.

In sum, the ceremony recognized, centered on, and celebrated our shared humanity. It reminded us that, contrary to the absurd musings of Albert Calmus, love recognizes in ourselves (and in others) the fragility of our will and the limitations of our reason. Love seeks to lift us up from the places into which we have fallen due to our weakness or lack of understanding. And indeed, those in attendance seemed to recognize their own humanity in the times they have needed love, and in the times they have given love to those in need. There is, of course, a good chance that the writer simply imagined this however.

Nevertheless, while observing two handsome young people commit their lives to the betterment of the other, one is witnessing the highest calling of our earthly nature. During the course of the ceremony, the author was reminded that the true rewards on this Earth, those rewards that lift our spirits, fill our souls, and permit us peace in our hearts, come not from what we receive from others, but from the ways in which we serve others.

Though, admittedly, few of us have gone so far as Messr. Johnson in falsely cloaking ourselves in the glories of the Olympic natatorium, given the nature of his reward: a lifetime of commitment to, and from, Mrs. Rachael Johnson, it is unlikely that any person with soul or heart would have acted in any other way. The author stands convinced that, as their commitment grows, there are still greater rewards to come.

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