The Seven Deadly Sins: A Letter to the Bishopric of Sellmen

January 12th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

There are few things, for the gentleman of leisure and letters, considered coarser or more boorish than political discourse. The petty bickering, and attendant din, is often enough to send the more cultured among us to foot: forced to flee a conversation, or an entire evening, the way one would abscond from a drunken uncle at a holiday soiree. We at the TLD eschew anything so crass.

Philosophy is, on the other hand, as they say, a bird with a completely different feather. And, in that context, we will periodically submit to the reader ideas borne of the human condition, and intended to inquire into, if not resolve, the fundamental nature of existence. Here is one such submission, submitted by Master Perrin of Eustachy, a scholar of some note, and well coifed gadabout.

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